
Shell things I can never remember

Code Block Code Desc
explorer.exe . When working in WSL, launch Windows Explorer in current dir
ctrl-l Clear screen in bash, tmux, Python REPL. Similar to cls in CMD
echo $PATH Display current PATH
Can change PATH either in user ~/.bashrc or in global /etc/profile
<add> PROMPT_DIRTRIM=2 to ~/.bashrc This setting will trim visible dir path to two dirs to conserve CLI space
pip freeze Will show installed Python packages.
python3 -m venv path/to/venv Create new Python virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate Activate the venv. Note that other CLI may use different commands to do so
For some unknown reason, venv fail in some Debian environments. Have seen this on multiple Debian devices, still unsure of cause or resolution.
tree -l <"dir name"> <path> Ignore a given dir, use pipes to ignore multiple dirs

The applications I install on any vanilla dev Linux system (not prod/bastion/proxy): python, pip, git, nano, tldr, tmux, man, tree