Code Block | Code Desc |
explorer.exe .
When working in WSL, launch Windows Explorer in current dir |
Clear screen in bash, tmux, Python REPL. Similar to cls in CMD |
echo $PATH
Display current PATH |
Can change PATH either in user ~/.bashrc or in global /etc/profile | |
<add> PROMPT_DIRTRIM=2 to ~/.bashrc
This setting will trim visible dir path to two dirs to conserve CLI space |
pip freeze
Will show installed Python packages. |
python3 -m venv path/to/venv
Create new Python virtual environment |
source venv/bin/activate
Activate the venv. Note that other CLI may use different commands to do so |
For some unknown reason, venv fail in some Debian environments. Have seen this on multiple Debian devices, still unsure of cause or resolution. | |
tree -l <"dir name"> <path>
Ignore a given dir, use pipes to ignore multiple dirs |
The applications I install on any vanilla dev Linux system (not prod/bastion/proxy): python, pip, git, nano, tldr, tmux, man, tree