
TMUX primer

TMUX is a handy way to split a shell terminal into multiple screens. This is particularly handy when working with a shell on a remote server over SSH.

Code Block Code Desc
tmux new -s <name> Create new session
ctrl-b d Detach current session
tmux ls List tmux sessions
tmux a -t <name> Attach to existin gsession
tmux kill-session -t <name> Kill sessions
ctrl-b " Split pane horizontally
ctrl-b % Split pane vertically
ctrl-b <arrow keys> Move between panes
ctrl-b x Close current pane
ctrl-b : resize-pane -D/U/L/R <int> Modify dimensions of pane
(hold) ctrl-b arrow-key Modify dimensions of pane
ctrl-b [ Scrollback thru buffer using arrow keys, q to quit